Friday, October 22, 2010

Captcha Starfish

On the bottom of the ocean, living under the sea, is an industrious starfish named Qwervub. Qwervub used to be a welder but retired to work on a screenplay called "Adventures in the Prorfug Trzop", which is about a famous general who fought in The Civil War named Riwturg Styvblan. Riwtrug was of course the general responsible for implenting ytuls and buvrg, which have sense revolutionized modern warefare, but he also did much more that people aren't aware of. Riwtrug also wrote the famous book Flowers for Zubragxun, which the movie Vrtuwx Vzbyn, which swept the Academy Awards the year it was nominated and is considered by manya classic , is based on. General Styvblan also composed the opera "Rvum2w" and "Lgbaui" and was responsible for brokering the controversial deal with the prime minister of Thrlyg to build a canal. He also brokered the even more controversial deal with the king of 'Uqkkji9' for rights to their very abundant supply of '4#pghx?L'.
Now Qwervub's labor of love, personified in screenplay form, details General Styvblan's formative years growing up in a log cabin in what is now modern day West Virgina. How he epicly chose his love of country over state (Virigna) and even family "America is my family too and I will not sit by while Cain tries to destroy Abel again. It's about time someone took the rock out of his hand and I'm not just the man to do it." The screenplay also details General Styvblan's failed presidential bid and his years of retirement where he befriends the son of a former slave and teaches him to read and encourages him to become W.E.B Dubois. While Riwtrug types away on his computer the "epic of epic's", as he likes to call it, his phone rings. He goes to answer it, "I'm working on a masterpiece here. This better be good."
"Hey this is Trhd7n from W4fym Power and Water and we'd really appreicate it if you'd pay your bill with us and settle that account because you haven't paid it in a couple of months and we're about to shut off the power."
Qwervub says, "Okay charge it to my credit card."
"We don't have one on file." she answers back.
"Okay I'll get if for you."
"Oh you want to do this over the phone."
"No time like the present."
"You see we have a policy that we don't accept credit card information over the phone. It's a security thing, for your protection. Could you go online and make your payment there?"
"I live on the bottom of the sea. We don't have the internet here. Word processors yes but almost nothing in the way of an internet connection."
"Well is it possible for you to go to a place that has one, go to our website and make the payment there?"
"Why can't we do this over the phone?"
"Because you're a starfish."
"Starfish are a very reliable people."
"Not historically."
"I'm the exception that proves the rule."
"An exception can't prove a rule. That's what makes it an exception."
"That doesn't make any sense to me."
"That's because you're a starfish. Now are you going online to pay your outstanding bill?"
"I live on the bottom of the ocean, and a starfish, there's no way I can go online."
"Well then I have no choice but to terminate your service with our company until you're able to pay for the services we provide." Suddenly the electricity shuts off. She says, "Have a nice day." and hangs up. Qwervub looks at his blank computer screen and says, "What will become of my masterpiece now?" Suddenly General Styvblan appears sitting on Qwervub's couch and says, "The answer is simple."
"What is it?"

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